Quick Sketches: 5 Minute Drawing Techniques

quick sketches 5 minute drawingQuick sketches, anyone?
5  minute drawing?

Phrases like these may sound like your worst nightmare. After all, it’s hard enough to draw when you have all the time in the world, but in just 5 minutes, there’s no way you are going to get a good result, right?

Wrong, actually!

 Doing quick sketches catapults you into your creative brain

5 minute drawing techniques are an invitation to develop into a spectacular creative thinker.

There are three simple steps when starting with quick sketches:

    1. draw a ground-line and length guides
    2. draw in the main rough shapes
    3. start to aim for accuracy

All you need is a piece of scrap paper, five minutes (so you can do it right now!) and a ball-point pen. Follow along with my real-time quick sketches video below:


Over to you 🙂
Make your mark on paper, starting now!

You can watch all the videos you like, but you’ll only really LEARN by  following the instructions for yourself. The great thing about video lessons is that you can stop and start as often as you like. And you can ask your questions down in the comments below 🙂

Enjoy the other popular video cartooning lessons on this site :

There is the first of the Drawing Stick Figures series

And the one about drawing Cartoon Expressions