How to draw cartoons

Cartoon Outlining Skills — new tools or old?

Cartoon outlining skills — we all need them, daily! And Procreate is always bringing out new pens, pencils, brushes and other tools... Or are they? To be honest on any given day, I couldn't tell you. That's because I'm a creature of habit (so I stick to my favourites...

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Cartoon ideas: inspiration from inside my garage

Cartoon ideas are literally everywhere...... and here I have the receipts to prove it 🤓. Do you see the shadowy shape of "Speedy" emerging from the photograph up above? That odd pattern of rough paint-on-brick-wall prickles my imagination to murmur the word...

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How to Cartoonify Someone

How to cartoonify - this is a question that I get asked regularly, and this excellent photo someone was working with lends itself perfectly to a cartoonifying exercise for a beginner. So, where do you begin to learn how to cartoonify someone or something? If you have...

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Cartoon Expressions: Harnessing the Power of Memes

They weren’t much into cartoon expressions, but have you ever wondered what the Grand Masters used as references, back before cameras and fashion magazines where a thing? I suspect they did quick sketches wherever they went, which honed their drawing skills at the...

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Learning to Cartoon by Learning to See

In practical terms, the first step in learning to cartoon is learning to see. And by learning to see, I mean that you figure out how to recognise the individual components that make up a cartoon character. To be clear, I’m not talking about any sort of rote drawing...

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