How to Draw a Sofa Step by Step (Perspective)

how to draw a sofa step by step How to draw a sofa step by step is the perspective drawing request I hear most often, so here goes…

Is drawing perspective is something you would rather avoid at all costs? You are not alone! For most people, they’d rather have a tooth pulled out than try to learn how to draw perspective.

Ever wondered how to draw a sofa from a wedge of cheese?

I thought not 😉

But thanks to the Da Vinci cartooning course and its cheese wedge analogy, learning how to draw a sofa step by step is really easy if you apply the ‘cheesy’ rules.

Even better news is that once you master it, you’ll be amazed at what else you can draw using the same principles, and how much better your cartoon scenes become.

Need to draw a box? You need perspective.
Need to draw row of shops? You need perspective.
Needs to draw a Ferrari? You guessed it — you need perspective!

Knowing how to draw perspective really makes all the difference

Whether it’s for your background scenes, or filling in the props that you want to make your cartoon scenes realistic.

Now that you are convinced that you really, really want to start drawing perspective right now, here’s a video that shows you just how to draw a sofa step by step and just how simple perspective drawing can be. It’s quite a formulaic process, and the principles you see here can be used to draw all sorts of other things as well.

There is something incredibly satisfying about watching a 3-D shape pop out of a flat piece of paper!

This video shows how to draw a sofa in two-point, Bird’s-Eye perspective.

<h3>Over to you :)</h3>
Make your mark on paper, starting now!

You can watch all the videos you like, but you’ll only really LEARN by  following the instructions for yourself. The great thing about videos is that you can stop and start as often as you like 🙂


There are lots of other video lessons you might enjoy on this site:

There is the first of the Drawing Stick Figures series

And the one about drawing Cartoon Expressions