How to tell whether it’s One Point Perspective — and then what?

One point perspective, two point perspective? How do you know what to use?

one point perspective

Getting different kinds of perspective all muddled up is one of the easiest (and most common) mistakes we all make. If this is something you struggle with, don’t fret. You’re in good company!

The good news is that I have a simple method you can use to figure out which type of perspective is required so you won’t get them confused in future.

Is it one point perspective?

Simple diagnosis: if you’re looking face-on to a flat wall, you need to draw using one-point perspective.

On the other hand, if you are looking at the corner of a building with the walls angled and stretching away from you in two different directions, you likely need to draw it using two point perspective.

Now, it’s time to compound your one point perspective insights by drawing along to the video below:


Da Vinci sells out in June every year. Wondering whether to sign up?

Here’s why Antje signed up:

“I was not quite sure what to expect. It was an adventure I wanted to go on, and to see if I can get away from the person that can’t draw at all. I also wanted to write a book and have some of my own cartoons in.

It’s been a great time with great people and such a variety of ideas and humor.

I would recommend the course to someone who really wants to do it, has the time, and is really committed. If you can’t do the assignments regularly, you will most probably suffer a lot more and be not really happy with the outcome.
If you are willing to spend the time and effort, Alison will take you through a big and interesting journey that is worth its money.”

Here is one of Antje’s cartoons after 6 months practice:

antje testimonial 2









This is the skill level she had when she started:

antje testimonial 0


Click to read more about Da Vinci and find the waiting list here.











Next Step?

If you’re on a perspective mission, why not take up the couch challenge? It’s one that has many people grinding their teeth so click here for a lesson on How to Draw a Sofa Step-By-Step