It’s extraordinary how quick she sees what you need.

Pauline Le Rutte
The Netherlands

Alison is a fantastic teacher. She gives you the exact feedback you need. It’s extraordinary how quick she sees what you need. Not only technically but also mentally. When there is something people struggle with, she creates an insightful video which helps you go on. She’s a great and skillfull mentor!

To anyone who thinks he or she can’t draw I would say that they just forgot how to draw. That I experienced in a group of about 20 people (on the Da Vinci course), everyone made huge steps. Drawing is a skill that can be (re)learned without any doubt.

That course is great if you want to illustrate your own ebooks and blog articles. If you want to help your customers ‘see’ what you mean instead of only saying or writing it. It’s also great for people who want to experience the feeling they used to have while drawing as a child. It’s kind of meditative. A wonderful break in the day.