I had a secret, unspoken fear that I’d be terrible, that it would become clear to me that I had no ability to draw whatsoever.

Colleen Pelar

Instead, I learned valuable skills, and I’ve increased my confidence that I will learn to draw to a level that pleases me. (I’m not there yet, but I’ve made great progress).

The feature I liked best about the course

I liked the “decoding” aspect, how Alison taught us how to see circles and other shapes in familiar images (and in negative space as well).

I liked the specific homework assignments, though I sometimes struggled to do them daily.

About other benefits of the course:

  • The videos allowed me to see [Alison] do the work [she] was asking me to attempt.
  • Having both written and video instructions was helpful.
  • The circley-circle pigs assignment created early success. And early success can be a big factor in helping people stay motivated, so that was terrific.

I’d recommend the course for anyone who’d like to improve their cartooning skills

The skills build upon each other, so you’ll keep applying the insights from earlier lessons as you learn new concepts, but the guidelines are specific and clear so it doesn’t feel like you have a million things you need to remember for every assignment.