What do I mean by learning the cartooning process?

Following a process helps you to see tangible improvements in your work, and seeing improvement builds confidence which leads to more practice… you can see where I am going with this.
Now, this is not some magic trick, so progress won’t appear overnight. But this is a solid system, tried and tested by a good few hundred willing participants to date. And as with any system, it helps to go forward in tiny, doable steps.

Step 1: Stickmen to Cartoons

3 short video lessons that unlock a world of possibility to create future cartoon characters using drawing skills you already have…
Stickmen to Cartoons is free for my newsletter subscribers, you can sign up for access here.

Step 2: First Cartoon Character Kit

Stick figures are simple once you master the joints but taking them beyond the bare bones is surprisingly tricky.
What if you could memorise a simple formula to develop a unique cartoon character? By adding the details of body, face and hair you’ll soon produce a character of your own that looks surprisingly ‘polished’ right off the bat.
The perfect springboard to create an endless stream of your own cartoon characters…

Step 3: The Cartooning Decoder System

Can’t draw well enough to cartoon (yet)? Perhaps you want to cartoon faster, more accurately and with more instinctive flair?
What if you could join a Tiny Beginner’s Cartooning Group (either live, or self-paced) and find out what you actually need to do: a do-able cartooning process to get you started?