Improve Cartooning

How to Draw a Stickman – Even When Intimidated

Have you ever been intimidated by how to draw a stickman?!

I have done a load of hiking with my family in the mountain ranges around Cape Town. Our mountains are pretty rugged, and there are times as we set out when I look up and feel daunted by the heights we plan to conquer.

I was reminded of this intimidation factor last night…

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Sketching Ideas: How (and Why) It Adds Energy to Your Work

The most interesting cartoons and illustrations have a lot of action and dynamism. However, when it comes to drawing them, sometimes our minds get overly analytical and it can be difficult to come up with a good idea and draw something interesting. What can you do to get around this?

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Improve Cartooning with a Weight-Loss Tool – seriously?

So how can you use weightloss tools to improve cartooning?

Some years back with my clothes becoming increasingly tight, I decided I needed some extra help. I joined Weight-watchers, and off I went to weekly meetings. One of the tools was a Daily Tracker to record every morsel that passed my lips. “If you bite, you write” my leader insisted. And who was I to argue?

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How scheduling helps cartooning and keeps you out of the doghouse 😉

Last Wednesday I ended up in my son Tim’s bad books. Apples and yoghurt are regular items in my son’s lunch box and alas, the proverbial cupboard was bare of these two staples. To add insult to injury, he had been reminding me very courteously for 3 days prior to that. Now he was… hungry, to say the least 😉

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