Do you have days when you just wake up in a funk?
Maybe you first lurch out of sleep around 3.08a.m. because of unfinished ‘things’ still weighing on your mind, then doze uneasily until dawn, only to get up and not want to face the new day?
I have those days. Sometimes I feel simply inadequate and not up to (any) task. Yep, basically I wake up in a funk.
What can we do, when we find ourselves in these not-fun mind spaces?
One of the things I have done work-wise to help walk myself past those unwanted thoughts is to keep a secret stash of unsought compliments that come up from time to time.
Sometimes they have lovely wisdom in them which often can be applied to cartooning, but also to all manner of other life endeavours.
Here’s an absolute gem, shared recently by a very dear person
This is what [working with you] taught me:
- Focus on one thing at a time and don’t spread myself too thin.
- Keep at it.
- Do what makes you happy and not something just because it gives you more money.
I think it is important to know one’s capacity and work on that. Mine is a sketch (or attempts at it) per week. This is late feedback but I keep getting these Aha! moments and realize that it happened because of taking the cartooning course with you.
So that’s what I am personally doing right now…
Focusing on one thing (specifically my blogs, and my newsletter) for now. Keeping at it (being consistent is always harder than I expect). Choosing what makes me happy (today, it was the cartoony the seahorse at the top of the page, and giving it tweedy colour effects).
I hope you can do use these tips, too, next time you wake up in a funk ☺️